The Mistaken Identity Crisis?

In some cozy mysteries the main character gets involved because there has been a mix-up with papers or information in a mistaken identity scene allowing for them access to the espionage, assassination, etc. Essentially it is a comedy of error with deadly consequences.

Thankfully there will be no dead bodies as a result of my confused state. While struggling with my loss of purpose I was introduced to the concept that I have 2 selfs - my personal self and my work self. I was under the mistaken impression that there were one in the same. The thing I am learning is that when you bring your full self to work your identity becomes wrapped in your job. Your job soon defines you. When you lose your job what happens to your identity? You guessed it!

Fortunately there are steps you can take to keep your personal self in tact. The first one being to check in with yourself and get clear on your values. Turns out values can orient your life and impart meaning an a sense of purpose. Exactly what I am looking for!

I have read that values give you the power to "change your inner world". They are potential capital, fueled by hope and provide the motivation to move forward. Hope fuels emotions, feelings, thoughts and behaviours. Your personally chosen beliefs can be constructive or destructive. So to me values sound like goals that I wish to achieve and sustain - kindness, gratitude, health, self-development, financial security, etc.

So what happens when your job self does not align with your personal self? Perhaps a better way to word it is - how do I find a job that aligns with my personal self? Knowing that my work self is a subset of my personal self and that it is important to keep them separate, would it not be important to keep the 2 aligned as much as possible?

Perhaps this is why I keep saying "I'm not looking for a job, I'm looking for a culture that is a fit for me". Perhaps something inside me was telling me that my personal self and my work self were no longer in alignment. Perhaps what I believed to be an identity crisis was simply a case of mistaken identity.

